Mindful Education
Authentic Montessori is Mindfulness in Practice
In tracking the research in Mindfulness I found that Angeline Stoll Lillard recently published a review paper discussing Montessori Education and Mindfulness. This work once again emphasises Montessori's grasp of human development, and makes a very strong case for Authentic Montessori Practice and Training.
As with any approach that is based on true observational science, its core priniciples stand the test of time, and so it is with Montessori's work which once again links into contemporary fields of research"
Dr Margo de Kooker
By becoming mindful, we reconnect to the miracle that unfolds in each moment in the classroom. This miracle of human development is not facilitated by what we do with the children, but rather by our mindful preparation of ourselves and the environment - a truly mindful adult creates the space in which the child's spirit can grow and in the process also grows, connects and observes at increasingly deeper levels.
The attitudes of mindfulness set the scene for the expression of the human potentialities within both the adult and the child.
If you would like to explore mindfulness in the classroom and beyond, as a teaching team, or with your students feel free to contact me.